Route decision to inform the next stage of design for the Banwell bypass


Following an extensive summer consultation and a technical review into the options, a decision has been published recommending that route two is taken forward as the basis for the eventual design of Banwell bypass. 

The route, which is to the north of Banwell, was reviewed against a range of scheme objectives such as its ability to improve traffic congestion, air quality and noise - as well as any potential impact on the environment and opportunities to improve public spaces, encourage walking and cycling and boost biodiversity.

In addition, route two received the highest level of support in consultation responses, supporting the findings of the technical review and the recommendation that route two be taken forward.

The consultation also provided respondents with an opportunity to share aspirations and concerns about the bypass. This feedback will now be used by the design team as they develop the scheme and possible features to help reduce its impact on the surrounding area.

Route two would form the basis of these more developed designs, which will then be put to a further consultation in early 2022, ahead of the submission of a planning application.

Cllr Steve Bridger, Executive Member for Assets and Capital Delivery, said: “This is a crucial step towards making Banwell bypass a reality, alleviating traffic congestion that has affected the village for generations.

“I’d like to thank the 1135 people who responded to our consultation. Your feedback is vital in helping us understand what matters most to your community, especially at this early stage before we start to draw up the bypass’ design.

“By telling us what you think now, we can develop designs with your ideas and priorities in mind, thinking about the mitigations and additional features that could help to reduce impacts of the road and create opportunities for further enhancements to your area.

“I look forward to continuing work with our communities as we enter this next phase of the scheme.”

Funded by Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund, Banwell bypass will also unlock land for future development, enabling new and affordable homes to be delivered.

The full consultation report and Options Appraisal Report outlining the technical review into the route are available to read on our executive member decisions webpage.

The recommendation to take forward route two is subject to agreement. The final decision on the bypass route can be actioned from 11 October.

You can read more about the Banwell bypass at