Home Library Service

North Somerset Libraries are happy to announce that the Home Library Service is now back up and running. 

We have worked hard to make the necessary changes to ensure that we can provide this service in a COVID-secure way that keeps our customers and volunteers as safe as possible.

The Home Library Service is available for anyone in North Somerset who cannot access their local library and does not have anyone who can easily get books for them. 

Staff will talk to the customer to create a reading profile of their likes and dislikes and will then match them with a local, trained volunteer who will contact them to arrange deliveries. Usually these take place once a month. This is a free service.

Due to restrictions imposed by Covid-19, volunteers are currently only able to deliver to the door; they cannot enter a customer's home. 

They will deliver new books (this can be regular print, large print, talking books or a mixture of all), and collect old books for return to the library. As per Public Health guidelines, all returned library books are quarantined for 72-hours to ensure that they are safe to be borrowed.

If you are interested in joining the Home Library Service, or would like more information, please email library.volunteers@n-somerset.gov.uk or call 01934 426 657 (Mon – Wed).