North Somerset Corporate Plan and budget 2024-2028 consultation

Have your say

After May's local elections, North Somerset Council's new leadership has mapped out its priorities for the next four years. These have been informed by the engagement we did with local people, stakeholders and our staff, earlier this autumn.

Together, these priorities will guide the plan for the council over the next four years. We call this our Corporate Plan. The plan includes our vision, our ambitions and the commitments we have made to deliver on these. 

We have re-confirmed that our vision is to be open, fair and green. And our ambitions are:

  • Our children and young people are cared for, safe, supported and given equality of opportunity to thrive
  • Our communities are caring, healthy and safe, where people help each other to live well
  • Our towns and villages are thriving and sustainable places to live, work and visit
  • Our council delivers consistently good services and value for money to support our community.

We have identified a number of commitments under each ambition and action plan for how we will deliver these. We now have a draft Corporate Plan 2024-2028, and a supporting action plan, to share with you and would like your views. 

Our Medium-term Financial Plan is the budget that supports the Corporate Plan and sets out what we will spend during the plan period and how we will spend it. The council is facing a significant budget gap over the next four years and we will need to make savings to close this gap. We would like your views on our saving themes. 

You can have your say on the plan here. We are also hosting a series of public engagement sessions with the leader of the council and Executive members to discuss the plan and emerging budget. Dates below, no need to book, just turn up. 

Engagement sessions

The leader of the council Mike Bell, and Executive Members, will be hosting a number of public engagement sessions throughout November and December to talk about the Corporate Plan and budget. No need to book, please just drop by.

  • Monday 27 November, Hangstone Pavillion, Yatton, 6.30pm until 7.30pm
  • Friday 1 December, Tithe Barn, Nailsea, 6.30pm until 7.30pm
  • Monday 4 December, Castlewood, Clevedon, 6.30pm until 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 6 December, Old Town Hall, Weston, 6.30pm until 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 13 December, Folk Hall, Portishead, 6.30pm until 7.30pm

Executive members will also be joining our mobile libraries in December on the following dates to meet with residents and talk through issues and ideas. No need to book, just turn up! 

  • Wednesday 13 December, Wrington - Memorial Hall car park, 2.00pm – 3.00pm
  • Friday 15 December,  Long Ashton – Community Centre car park, 10.00am – 11.00am
  • Monday 18 December, Backwell  - Rodney Road,  2.30pm – 3.30pm
  • Thursday 21 December, Banwell - Car park opposite the primary school, 3.30pm – 4.30pm


  • Opened
    22 Nov 2023 at 12:00
  • Closed
    10 Jan 2024 at 17:00
  • Response Published
    17 Jan 2024

Supporting Documents


Organisational Information

Job role or team to contact for questions Emma Diakou
Job title Head of Business Insight, Policy and Partnerships
Contact Email
Contact Telephone 01934 888888

Project Information

Aim of this consultation To consult on the draft Corporate Plan for 2024-2028.
Close Date 10 Jan 2024 17:00
Consultation Topic
  • Adults social care: including carers, learning, physical, and mental disabilities
  • Children, young people and families: including fostering, transition to adult social services, youth justice
  • Communities: including local partnerships, neighbourhoods, equalities, crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Culture and leisure: including libraries, tourism, the built-environment and heritage
  • Education and early years: including organisation of pre-school and schools, SEND, children’s centres
  • Environment: including rubbish and recycling, climate-related issues, parks and open spaces, footpaths
  • Housing: including home-building*, renting, homelessness
  • Policy: including new or changed council policies, strategies or regulations on any topic
  • Public health: including wellbeing, sport and exercise, food safety, trading standards, mental health, support for drug and alcohol misuse
  • Travel and transport: including public transport, active travel, traffic calming and major projects**
Context for this consultation After May's local elections, North Somerset Council's new leadership has mapped out its priorities for the next four years. This has been informed by a period of engagement August through to October with residents and stakeholders.

We are now consulting on the draft Corporate Plan and supporting action plan.