NSC play area improvements consultation 2023

This consultation has now closed. A summary of the results can be found further down this page.

North Somerset Council recognises the importance of play areas to our community, as such we will be investing in our play areas over the next 5 years. 

This year, 2023/24, we will be investing £150,000 into Salthouse Fields, Clevedon.

This will be bring fantastic and well needed improvements to salt house fields play area. The play area is a mixture of old and tired play equipment and safety surfacing, and some newer play equipment. We propose to invest the money into improving and modernising the areas of the play area that need it. This will include installing a new item of play equipment where the previous space net was removed which will fill what is currently a redundant space.

As part of this project, we would like to hear your feedback on our proposals.

We plan to:

Sand pit area (area 1):

  • Extending the footprint of the existing sandpit area to accommodate more equipment.
  • Sand pit edging to be replaced with recycled plastic boarding.
  • Installation of minimum of three pieces of new kit relating to sand play. This will bring more variety of play to this area.
  • Addition of 2 to 3 recycled plastic picnic benches, to include wheelchair/accessible spaces.
  • Improvements to the surface and some improvements to access.

Toddler/pre school multi climb area (area 2):

  • Removal of the existing, tired, and old toddlers multi climb unit.
  • Installation of new toddlers multi climb providing better play value.
  • Including new safety surface
  • Addition of an extra item of toddler’s play equipment to be added such as small trampoline or spinner bowl.

School age area (area 3):

  • Removal of the existing multi climb, which is tired and dated.
  • Installation of larger multi climb unit, which will have better play value. May include addition of one extra piece of kit dependant on size of multi climb unit chosen.
  • Safety surfacing to be replaced to encompass the area where the space net was previously removed.

Swing area (area 4):

  • Installation of new swings to include better provision for accessibility.
  • Replacing/updating safety surface.

Area map: 


Picture1 Picture2
Example of sandpit extension/kit (area 1) Kompan© Example of toddler climbing frame (area 2) Kompan©
Picture3 Picture4
Example of climbing unit (area 3) Sutcliffe© Example of swings (area 4) Proludic©


  • Opened
    20 Sep 2023 at 11:00
  • Closed
    1 Nov 2023 at 12:00
  • Response Published
    14 Nov 2023


Organisational Information

Job role or team to contact for questions Samantha Phillips
Job title Senior Parks and Open Spaces Officer
Contact Email natural.environment@n-somerset.gov.uk
Contact Telephone 01934 888 888

Project Information

Aim of this consultation We would like to gather resident’s views on our proposals for the Salthouse Fields play area identified for improvement during 2023/24
Close Date 01 Nov 2023 12:00
Consultation Topic
  • Communities: including local partnerships, neighbourhoods, equalities, crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Culture and leisure: including libraries, tourism, the built-environment and heritage
  • Education and early years: including organisation of pre-school and schools, SEND, children’s centres
  • Environment: including rubbish and recycling, climate-related issues, parks and open spaces, footpaths
  • Public health: including wellbeing, sport and exercise, food safety, trading standards, mental health, support for drug and alcohol misuse
Context for this consultation NSC has agreed to invest £150,000 into Salthouse Fields, Clevedon, this financial year and we welcome your feedback on the proposal as part of NSC's Play Area Improvement project.